Calibration Oil

Price$233.00 (US Only)



In Stock 11

Calibrate refractometers with traceable and certified materials. Bellingham + Stanley Calibration Oil provides options covering 1.47-1.56 RI range and the top end of the Brix scale.

  • Overview

    The Preferred Calibration Oil

    BSDD is preferred for chemical manufacturers working above the normal Brix scale. Calibration Oils include a UKAS certificate showing traceability to ICUMSA and NIST, and are sold in packs of five 5ml bottles.

    Included in Pack:

    • 5 x 5ml glass bottle
    • Plastic pipette
    • 12-months shelf life
    • Traceable to NIST
    • Supplied with UKAS certificate of calibration
    • Value to 5-decimal places
    • Uncertainty (k=2) BSLP & BSDC +/-0.000074 RI
    • Uncertainty (k=2) BSDD: +/-0.000103 RI
    • IP65 rated against moisture ingress.

  • Specifications

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