Explore common features and individual options of the different EXO Multiparameter Water Quality Sondes
Price$630.00 (US Only)
In Stock 96
Connects EXO Sonde to DCP Signal Output Adapter
EXO flying lead field cables feature rugged wet-mate connectors and are designed to connect the EXO DCP signal output adapter for integration with 3rd party data loggers.
Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde for Unattended Monitoring (7 sensor ports, including a central wiper port)
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Field Cable
$660.00 - $5,405.00
Connects EXO Sonde to DCP Signal Output Adapter in Vented Applications
$850.00 - $1,450.00
For integrating a data logger and telemetry system with an EXO sonde.
For integrating an EXO Sonde into a SCADA system.