2754 Glutamate Membranes (4 ea)

Price$268.00 (US Only)


In Stock 90

2754 Glutamate Membranes (4 ea)

  • Overview

    Glutamate Membranes. Used to measure glutamate on YSI 2900 Series Analyzers.

  • Specifications
    Equipment used with 2900, 2950
    Storage Temperature 4-10°C

You may also need

2790 Ethanol Standards Kit, 2.0 g/L 3.2 g/L

2790 Ethanol Standards Kit, 2.0 g/L 3.2 g/L


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2703 Sucrose Membranes (4 ea)


2776 Dextrose/Lactate Standard, 2.5g/L Dextrose, 0.5 g/L Lactate

2776 Dextrose/Lactate Standard, 2.5g/L Dextrose, 0.5 g/L Lactate


2747 Glucose/Lactate Standard, 1.80 g/L Glucose 0.45 g/L Lactate

2747 Glucose/Lactate Standard, 1.80 g/L Glucose 0.45 g/L Lactate


2786 Ethanol Membrane Kit (4 ea)

2786 Ethanol Membrane Kit (4 ea)
