EcoSense Hard Sided Carrying Case

Price$53.00 (US Only)



In Stock 23

Carrying Case, Hard Plastic w/Form Fitted Foam Insert 

  • Overview

    Carrying Case, Hard Plastic w/Form Fitted Foam Insert (12.5x9.5x3.7)

  • Specifications
    Equipment used with pH100A

You may also need

EcoSense pH100A Meter

pH, mV, Temperature. Instrument Only


EcoSense DO200A Dissolved Oxygen Meter

Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Instrument


EcoSense EC300A Conductivity Meter

Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, Temperature. Instrument Only


EcoSense pH100A Field Cable

Waterproof pH and Temperature Field Probe and Cable

$139.00 - $176.00

EcoSense DO200A Dissolved Oxygen Field Cable

DO and Temp Field Probe and Cable

$409.00 - $441.00